Lanie Mae had her first day of Mother's Day Out/3K yesterday. She did great! She, once again, had sopping wet hair (from sweat) and dirty clothes. (the girl sweats like there is no tomorrow and plays hard). But, that is a sign that she had dries and they have great stain products these days!
As soon as she sat down with the other girls, she spotted the mirror. She got up and did every dance move she knew while looking into the mirror. (she did this multiple times during the class and had to her sweet teacher would say "that's so good! now, sit down and I will call your name for you to have another turn in a minute". I wish I had my video camera!
This was super cute! They all did the choo choo around the room. As you can see, Lanie Mae is one of the smallest in the class. She has one girl who is younger than her. The rest are 3 1/2-4. But, I was pleased at how well she did. She cried when we left...which, to me, is a good sign.
And...for the first time in my life, I am truly feeling the peace that comes from prayer. I am praying, my family is praying, and my wonderful friends are praying for my sweet baby boy. Last week was terrible. I literally cried everyday. And, for some reason, I am like a new woman this week. The worry is there, but, not like it was last week. I am giving God the glory for this! We have our appointment tomorrow with the pediatric urologist. So, please continue to pray. It's working, I KNOW!
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